Slow down, Fast.

Last year I went to a health seminar in Perth with an American Cowboy named Don Tolman. Don, is a wholefoods advocate who has dedicated his life towards discovering ancient secrets of health and healing. Letting food be thy medicine as opposed to the nasty chemicals which pharmaceutical industries manufacture. The difference being, food is grown in the earth and is a natural occurring process which are bodies are designed to convert into energy. Pharmaceuticals are corporate business, created in a chemical lab and designed to make profits.

Since that evening in May 2014 I have not touched a single drug, nothing synthetic whatsoever. Of course I’m one of the lucky ones as I never really relied on these nasties in the first place. After 10 years, I came straight off the contraceptive pill which caused so much damage that I’m still battling to balance my hormones. That one time per month is the only time I really feel desperate to reach for the painkillers to ease the crippling cramps, but then I remind myself that this is my body speaking to be after being suppressed and ignored for so long. Instead I treat myself with ease and kindness and choose specific anti-inflamatory foods. As the Tolman’s would say, ‘Let food be thy medicine’.

Fresh seasonal vegetable salad

On my journey with Don & his son Tyler I also underwent a fasting, cleansing and detoxing process. It’s amazing how much junk we can have stored in our colons! I feel lighter just thinking about it. Over the past month in Indonesia plenty of clearing, letting go and cleansing has been happening naturally. Somewhere in between all the yoga, the moon cycle, the books I’ve read, and the connections I’ve been making things have been coming to the surface and bubbling away. What better time to aid the process and take a short break to fast.

Fast, f-a-s-t as in go without food?! Yes I know what you are thinking. Not nearly as bad as it seems, our bodies are intelligent and powerful and (believe it or not) can go for weeks without food! This time around I opted for the 4 day option, knowing that I needed optimum energy for a heavy schedule of yoga training later that week. In those 4 days I consumed in excess of 20 liters of water, a complete system flush. It’s important to have a high quality water source, naturally as I was in Bali this was something I needed to be wary of. How you feel during the fast is largely dependent on how toxic your body is, how much unwanted and unneeded crap needs to be let go. This can manifest by way of headaches, bowel motions, mood swings, lethargy, or flu-like symptoms. Preparation and elimination of certain foods leading up to the fast will also determine how you fare during the detox phase. I can assure you will feel lighter, healthier and more alive afterwards, so long as there is no resistance to this sometimes uncomfortable process of letting go.

 Dragonfruit Deliciousness

No need to survive solely on water, listen to your own body. Natural coconut water and fresh juices are a great option to receive energy and nutrients in liquid form during a fast. As I was in Bali I had a surplus of exotic tropical fruits around me and decided to sustain myself with 1-3 glasses of pure natural juice per day, on top of all that water. How you break the fast and come back to solid foods is just as important as the fast itself. Start slow, stick with whole foods and avoid processed junk at all costs. Your appetite is sure to be smaller so take care not to overeat. Listen to your body, what is it telling you? What gives you energy and what doesn’t? Make note of these things as your senses are much more heightened in the period following the fast.

Colourful beetroot & carrot combo!

So why put yourself through all this you may ask? No brainer, for optimum health! Fasting gives the body a break from its full-time job of breaking down food and converting it to energy. Thus, allowing it to focus on more pressing matters such as detoxing, healing and regenerating any damaged cells. I’m a big believer in preventative medicine and short bursts of fasting is a great way to ensure any health problems are nipped in the bud before they have a chance to develop into something more serious. It also deprives any parasites living in our stomachs & vowels of food, ideally eliminating them completely.

Of course there is not always a need for such drastic measures and preventative medicine can be as simple as fueling the body daily with fresh, whole, nutritious foods. Sure it might take a little more effort or perhaps a few extra dollars but it’s time to get real- you are worth it!! You are what you eat, choose wisely.

Finding your Heart Centre-Anahata

Situated on the boundary of the Abel Tasman National Park, Anahata Yoga Retreat looks out over Golden Bay from the vantage point of Birds Clearing. It’s a long windy and narrow gravel road to the sanctuary on the top of the hill above Clifton. It is clear that for anyone drawn to Anahata this is part of the journey, the path which must be taken. As I drove up and up I eventually found myself quite literally high in the clouds (& the meditating hadn’t even begun!). Like something out of a Lord of the Rings movie, Anahata is a misty mystical place of beauty.

Greeted warmly with a cup of ginger and lemon tea I joined the weekend group who had come together to take part in a course: ‘managing the mind and emotions’. Anahata has a number of permanent residents and operates with ashram-like principals- a rather unique community in New Zealand. The grounds are surrounded with nature. The meditation/yoga halls, organic vegetable gardens, compost toilets and solar run yurt buildings are tucked in among native beech forests. In this place of peace and harmony anyone is welcome to stay as long or as short as they like.

I spent 3 days at Anhata where I focused on my inner state, providing some much needed perspective and recharging the spiritual batteries for the year ahead. I could have easily spent longer in this scenic spot with only the birdsong and baa-ing of the sheep to keep me company. There is something special about spending time alone, to know yourself and listen to your own heart song. This is not your average yoga retreat, and definitely not what i was expecting on signing up. Much less physical yoga practice and much more about a yogic way of life. In operation for over 18 years this community provides a simple yet sustainable lifestyle for yogis from all walks of life and all corners of the world.

In this place, days consist of rising to the sun and using Hatha Yoga to awaken and energise the body. This is followed by either chanting or meditation to get the vibrations following through the energy centres of the body. Simple vegetarian meals are provided during your stay, these are served with love and devotion and sourced from the abundant seasonal gardens on the property. Another form of yoga which is performed daily at Anahata is the practise of karma yoga. This is a way to be mindful
and aware in everyday activities and tasks.

To the ‘novice yogi’ be prepared for the vedic tradition embedded at Anahata. Chanting Kirtan and performing Havan fire ceremonies and rituals can be overwhelming to those of us who are new to these ancient practices. If you are searching for a physical yoga retreat I suggest you look elsewhere. Otherwise prepare yourself for deep emotional, mental and spiritual learnings whilst resting and relaxing the physical body. As far as locations go, Anahata will be tough to beat. This is where I have found my centre and am now ready to embark on the next step of my yoga journey. Shortly I will be off to Bali on my next adventure. I will be taking part in my teacher training on the small tropical island of Gilli Meno. 2015… year of the yogi! Namaste.


