The law of attraction…

After much deliberation I have finally made a decision. The past month has been a blur of “Do I go for it? What about my career? Can I afford it? Where should I go? For how long? Will my boyfriend handle the time apart? What will I do when I come back?” So many what if’s seem to crop up in life, it stops us from doing the things we love! Well, NOT ME (not anymore!).

I’m a huge believer of ‘everything happens for a reason’, an optimistic outlook which helps to deal with any curve balls life may throw my way. The truth of the matter is, everything may happen for a reason but we create our own path of happiness. As my Dad says, “what you believe, you perceive”. He couldn’t be more right, the more energy, positivity and self belief we put into our dreams, the more likely these dreams will become achievable! And that’s how it happened…

Without worrying about the logistics of the situation, I set it motion what is to be a life changing two months. There were a few ‘signs’ along the way, more hints from the universe that this is the life path I am meant to be on. This journey through India and Nepal feels as though it was planned all along, there is something magical about the unknown and I have faith that it will all fall into place…

The countdown is ON!!