The Ayurvedic Diet

On arrival at the Oneness University I discovered that even my diet was to undergo a huge change. Based in India I naturally assumed that I would be eating heavy spicy Indian food for the duration of my course. Oh how wrong I was, the dining hall which offers 3 meals per day provides a strict Ayurvedic Diet. A what diet?! I had no idea until I took it upon myself to do a little research.

Ayurveda can be translated into ‘the science of longevity’, no wonder it has been around in ancient India for over 7,000 years. Coming from such a new nation it’s hard for us Kiwi’s to understand so far back in history. The traditions and beliefs which have been ingrained into this country go back further than you or I could comprehend. Ayurveda & the Ayurvedic diet is an example of such traditions.

Ayurveda is considered one of the most holistic health sciences in the world, although how well known it is in other parts of the world I’m unsure. It is a kind of ‘medicine’ which promotes cleansing and wellness. The food is designed to nourish the body, mind and consciousness. This mainly consists of herbs, spices, veges and legumes- can’t get much healthier than that! Each is chosen to promote cleansing and balance within the body.

Here at Oneness the aim is to use this diet to enhance tranquility, balance aggressions and aid meditative experiences. The specially chosen food sends energy signals to the brain which impacts the health of organs and the digestive system. The University wants us to minimise cravings and fluctuations so to focus entirely on spiritual growth. Sounds pretty intense hey? This is India we are talking about. For a country which seems so backwards they are very switched on and educated when it comes to the important topic of body and mind.

Just as well I’m not too fussy when it comes to food. I had a good taster of Indian cuisine in the North and I must admit its a bit much for the stomach to handle at times. Light and healthy sounds like the way to go. Plus I’m here to learn and try new things so I’ll let you know how I get on after four weeks… They say that healing is not only awakening the spiritual mind but also the body. Everything has a part to play in the process!

Even Dr. Oz is on the band wagon… If you want more info check out his website here

Volunteers in the kitchen

Volunteers working tirelessly in a free kitchen in central Delhi