7 Qualities of Happiness

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about happiness… what is it, how do we measure it, why do we crave it and how do we maintain it?! For me, it’s about being true to myself. There is something invigorating about living your passion and breaking free from external pressures and expectations. Here’s 7 qualities I have identified in my journey to happiness…

Authenticity– Be as authentic, honest and open as possible. Inner integrity takes courage, I’ll admit it’s a little scary to look at yourself square in the eyes and accept what you see. Live your truth and you will reap the rewards.

Loyalty– Be committed, make a pledge and the universe will respond with the same level of commitment. When you honor your word you can stand tall with pride.

Gratefulness– Live from the heart with an attitude of gratitude. If gratefulness is present many other negative emotions cannot sneak their way into your consciousness.

Surrender– Go with the flow. Roll with the punches. Life has a way of taking us down the exact path we are meant to travel. Trust that things are unfolding exactly as they are meant to. Let go of controlling, and let the higher powers do their thing!

Sacredness– Hold awareness of all that is. We are so much more than we think, honour your body, you mind and your spirit as sacred elements of this universe.

Humility– Praise yourself and others. To give selflessly is to give and expect nothing in return, remember the world doesn’t owe you anything.

Love– Express love and be open to receiving it in return. Love yourself first and foremost, flaws and all! Only then can you share your heart with others.

Put your happiness first friends, remember you’re worth it!! x



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