Bali’s Yin & Yang

What lures thousands of visitors to the Indonesian tourist hub of Bali? Is it the enticing cheap cocktails, massages and manicures or the smiling ever-eager-to-please Balinese? Perhaps it’s the bargain shopping or the vast natural landscape. Maybe you read about it in ‘Eat Pray Love’ or watched a movie portraying the Island as a tropical paradise. It could be the adventure and water sports, joining the other thrill seekers in chasing that perfect wave. Or it may be your soul you are searching for somewhere in between the plentiful rice fields and yoga retreats. Whatever the reason there is definitely two sides to every story… behold the Yin & Yang of Bali!

Sunset at one of Seminyak's many beachfront Clubs

Sunset at one of Seminyak’s many beachfront Clubs

Yang- The stronger side of Bali’s tourism consists of large drunken groups of ignorant (and often arrogant) holidaymakers who pump a decent amount of $$ into the Indonesian economy and therefore think they have the right to run riot. Okay, this may be a tad stereotypical however after visiting Bali recently myself I can honestly say this type are very much alive and thriving on the streets of Kuta and Seminyak. It’s these kinds of travelers which not only disgrace themselves and their countries but also contribute to a downward turning spiral of third world meets first world, or East meets West.

Western ways and ideals can be detrimental to vulnerable, poverty-stricken nations such as Indonesia. It’s sad and unfortunate that the Balinese economy relies heavily on these disrespectful and deep pocketed travelers to keep the tourism industry afloat. Tourism is big business in Bali and has seen the Island become increasingly ‘westernized’ in recent years. Personally, I long to experience countries in their raw and traditional form- untouched and immune from outside influences. This is what makes each land intriguing and unique.  For me, travel is all about developing and learning through experience. If everything were the same there would be no broadening of horizons, no breaking out of the comfort zone and no personal growth.

A caretaker carefully cleaning a sacred monument

A Caretaker Carefully Cleaning a Sacred monument Northern Bali

Yin- The other side of Bali lives in a blissful existence between rolling green hills and endless beaches. The femine yin of Mother Earth provides calmness within chaos. A smiling face greets you on every corner and you return the gesture with a polite bow of the head. Lush green vegetation provides a perfect arena for an abundance of tropical fruits and exotic animals. Bali is a volcanic island, dominated by Mount Batur the presence of nature it’s never far from sight. The intrepid explorer might consider rising in the middle of the night to climb the active beauty of Batur for a magical sunrise, others may be happy to marvel at the mountain from afar. No matter where you are on the Island you are never far from the coastline, an ocean lovers paradise.

Rice fields scattered throughout Northern Bali's tropical landscapes

Rice fields scattered throughout Northern Bali’s tropical landscapes

This side of Bali continues to lure considerable amounts of ex patriots who opt for a more simple life. On offer is the freedom to express yourself without the restraints of the fast-paced Western World. It seems Bali provides an appealing alternative to the corporate treadmill and big city hamster wheel in which many of us find ourselves trapped. It’s also very affordable as your dollar can go a heck of a lot further than in the neighboring country of Australia. Although the cost of living is tempting, more important than money is the ability to be free from ideals, expectations and judgments. Empowered to speak your truth, follow your passion, and live your calling. From those I have spoken to this is the true Yang of Bali. Many chose this option and live in peace and harmony with the beautiful Balinese. Only then can love and kindness can received and gifted ten fold.

The balance of Yin or Yang, coexisting in contrast.


More to Life

As I begin to lead more and more from the heart, from a place of openness and willingness I am attracting like-minded individuals and communities. Thankfully for me I have a wonderful network of family and friends who are sharing in a similar journey, perhaps you are one of them? If so, I love, appreciate and sincerely thank you! And if you’re not quite on the same path that’s all good too… we all embark on our own unique journey at varying speeds. Either way a support system is instrumental in ensuring a sense of connection and love- I’ve definitely learned that it’s less important to have a lot of friends and much more important to have a handful of great ones.

Part of living open-minded is exploring alternative ways of thinking, the More to Life 3 day course is one many personal growth initiatives I have applied myself to this year. I am very fortunate that my loved ones share the same sense of openness, as numerous family members and friends have also taken part in this educational experience. Being able to share in a journey of growth and discovery is one of the most precious forms of connection within our relationships. Of course, growth and progression unfold naturally however intensive weekends such as the More to Life weekend are a way to fast track and make sense of our own personal evolution.

The goal of the MTL weekend is to awaken your essential self whilst profoundly engaging you in a vital, transformational and fulfilling relationship with life. In essence, discovering who you are! There is a focus on awareness of emotions, thought patterns, and behaviours. It doesn’t take long to realise that higher attributes lead us to connections where as separating attributes distance ourselves from others and from reality. Over the weekend we had to follow a set of disciplines which proved more difficult than I thought… Simple things such as being on time, not drinking caffine or eating junk food, or speaking during class. The purpose of the disciplines was to make each individual aware of their actions and awaken participants to unconcious habbits which are followed by endless excuses/justifications, creating a negative pattern in the mind. Once understanding this vicious cycle it is much more clear to see reality as it is- and the true capacity to live with deeper meaning and higher purpose.

Every experience, be it good or bad serves a purpose, a learning and a lesson. The tricky part is understanding what that lesson holds. Activities were carried out in group and individual scenarios where it was possible to see through the layers of hurt, pain, resentment and judgement to view the truth that was there all along. The more aware and present we can be in each moment the more we can take away meaning from life’s natural flow of highs and lows (I will admit that sometimes this flow is more of a raging torrent-nothing quite like a challenge to gear us into action!) The key lesson is that nothing outside of us can bring us happiness… Searching externally for such happiness and satisfaction is bound to result in disappointment and frustration. Grab your life by the balls!! The more we take control of our own destiny the more we go with the flow, accept what is and find peace in both positive and negative moments.

There is no event in your life through which life is not coming to awaken you to your highest and most noble self

After digging deeper on the second day of the three day course things started to ‘click’ and close bonds begin to form with others who are going through the same process. By the end of it our group of 20 were beaming with nothing but love, respect and appreciation for one another. Free from judgements, resentments and fears we are able to look one another directly in the eyes and smile- no barriers or masks to cover up falsehoods or insecurities. How often do you get to see someone’s true, raw, authentic self? Unfortunately it is something which is often lost, even in our most closest relationships. I don’t know about you but I vow to make more of an effort to be unapologetically authentically me.

It has been over three months since this weekend and initially I didn’t see a big shift. Looking back now I can see that things have unfolded slowly, I am more confident in myself and sharing my words and opinions with others. I am happier and more open in my relationships. I am less afraid of what others may think or how my message may be perceived. I am hungry for creativity, meaning and passion. And finally I am excited and enthused to live my purpose to encourage others to do the same.

If you are still reading something must have stirred, vibrated or resonated within… Congratulations! It’s time to awaken to your potential, to the world we live in, to a higher meaning. I know they say knowledge is power- knowledge certainly helps however I believe awareness is the true power. May you be aware and awake to each precious moment, there are constant reminders that life is far too short and I couldn’t agree more. Make the most of each profound possibility and honour your spirit!

Life’s first commandment: Wake up
Life’s intermediate commandment: Wake up
Life’s last commandment: Stay Awake

The More to Life event is a stepping stone to numerous other courses such as, The Power of Self Esteem and the Way of the Warrior. All of which are accessible globally. If you would like more information you can check out the website here